The Vineyard
The hill on which the vineyards are located varies between 300 and 350 m a.s.l. and is mainly oriented towards the west. The vineyard is well ventilated, affected by the sea influences, 30 km away, and the nearby lake of Guardalfiera, and lending itself to the cultivation of particularly healthy grapes. The night air often comes from the Vallone dell’Inferno, the steep eastern slope of the hill, entirely covered by woods and scrub. During the summer, all these elements determine the important temperature variations between day and night.
The 12 hectares of vineyard are divided into 24 small plots. The cultivated varieties are Montepulciano, Aglianico and Tintilia. The planting layout is the traditional cover crop, that of the pergola, ideal for protecting the grapes and the soil from the strong summer rays.
On the western valley there are three types of soils: clay, calcareous, and sandy, this last located near the forest borders. All the parcels are located on tertiary limestone soils (Helvetian – Langhian).
Our farming philosophy is centered on organic and sustainable practices. We are certified organic ICEA Certifica – Istituto per la Certificazione Etica ed Ambientale
For treatments against downy and powdery mildews, only copper and sulfur-based organic products are used. From time to time, we practice green manure, and we do not apply any fertilization to the land, except for the compost that we produce using grape pomace and stems, vine chippings and olive tree branches, as well as the manure of our animals.
In regard to the study and the health of our soil, we have been collaborating since 2022 with microbiologists Lydia and Claude Bourguignon from the Lams 21 Institute.